Recruitment Glossary

Recruitment Techniques

Recruitment is a critical process for every organization, as it involves attracting, screening, and selecting potential employees. The techniques used in recruitment can greatly influence the quality of candidates and the success of the hiring process. In the highly competitive tech market of the United States, effective recruitment techniques are more important than ever.

This glossary article will delve into the various recruitment techniques used in the tech industry, providing a comprehensive understanding of each method. By understanding these techniques, organizations can better strategize their recruitment processes and attract the best talent in the field.

Traditional Recruitment Techniques

Traditional recruitment techniques have been used for decades and continue to be prevalent in many organizations. These methods include advertising job vacancies in newspapers, job fairs, and internal recruitment. While these methods may seem outdated in the digital age, they still hold value in certain circumstances and industries.

However, in the fast-paced tech industry, traditional recruitment techniques may not always be the most effective. The tech industry is constantly evolving, and the skills required for tech jobs often change rapidly. Therefore, traditional recruitment methods may not always reach the right candidates with the right skills.

Job Advertisements

Job advertisements are one of the most common traditional recruitment techniques. They involve posting job vacancies in newspapers, on job boards, or on the company's website. The aim is to reach as many potential candidates as possible and attract them to apply for the job.

However, job advertisements can often attract a large number of unqualified candidates, which can make the screening process more time-consuming. In the tech industry, where specific skills and experience are often required, job advertisements may not always be the most effective recruitment technique.

Job Fairs

Job fairs are events where employers and job seekers can meet face-to-face. They provide an opportunity for employers to showcase their company and for job seekers to learn more about potential employers. Job fairs can be a great way to meet a large number of potential candidates in a short period of time.

However, job fairs can also be time-consuming and expensive to organize. Furthermore, they may not always attract the right type of candidates. In the tech industry, where many jobs require specialized skills, job fairs may not always be the best recruitment technique.

Digital Recruitment Techniques

Digital recruitment techniques have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the tech industry. These methods include online job postings, social media recruitment, and online job fairs. Digital recruitment techniques can reach a larger audience and can often be more cost-effective than traditional methods.

However, digital recruitment techniques also have their drawbacks. For example, they can attract a large number of unqualified candidates, making the screening process more time-consuming. Additionally, digital recruitment techniques can sometimes lack the personal touch of traditional methods.

Online Job Postings

Online job postings are one of the most common digital recruitment techniques. They involve posting job vacancies on online job boards or on the company's website. Online job postings can reach a larger audience than traditional job advertisements, as they are accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

However, like traditional job advertisements, online job postings can often attract a large number of unqualified candidates. This can make the screening process more time-consuming. Furthermore, online job postings can sometimes lack the personal touch of face-to-face recruitment methods.

Social Media Recruitment

Social media recruitment involves using social media platforms to advertise job vacancies and attract potential candidates. This can include posting job vacancies on the company's social media pages, or using targeted ads to reach potential candidates.

Social media recruitment can reach a large audience and can be particularly effective for reaching younger candidates. However, it can also attract a large number of unqualified candidates, making the screening process more time-consuming. Furthermore, social media recruitment can sometimes lack the personal touch of traditional recruitment methods.

Recruitment Agencies

Recruitment agencies are organizations that specialize in finding and placing candidates in jobs. They can be particularly useful for companies that do not have the resources or expertise to conduct their own recruitment process.

Recruitment agencies can save companies time and effort by handling the entire recruitment process, from advertising job vacancies to screening candidates and conducting interviews. However, they can also be expensive, and the quality of candidates they provide can vary.

Specialist Recruitment Agencies

Specialist recruitment agencies focus on recruiting for specific industries or job roles. In the tech industry, there are many specialist recruitment agencies that focus on finding candidates with specific tech skills.

Specialist recruitment agencies can be particularly effective for finding candidates with rare or highly specialized skills. However, they can also be more expensive than generalist recruitment agencies, and their effectiveness can depend on their knowledge of the industry and the quality of their network.

Generalist Recruitment Agencies

Generalist recruitment agencies recruit for a wide range of industries and job roles. They can be useful for companies that need to fill a variety of job roles, or for companies that do not have the resources or expertise to conduct their own recruitment process.

However, generalist recruitment agencies may not always have the industry-specific knowledge or network to find the best candidates for specialized tech roles. Furthermore, the quality of candidates they provide can vary.

In-House Recruitment

In-house recruitment involves conducting the recruitment process internally, without the use of external agencies or services. This can include advertising job vacancies, screening candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers.

In-house recruitment can save companies money, as they do not have to pay fees to recruitment agencies. However, it can also be time-consuming and require a significant amount of resources and expertise.

Internal Recruitment

Internal recruitment involves filling job vacancies with current employees. This can include promoting employees to higher positions, or moving employees to different roles within the company.

Internal recruitment can be a cost-effective recruitment technique, as it can save on advertising and recruitment agency fees. It can also boost employee morale and retention by providing opportunities for career progression. However, it can also limit the pool of potential candidates and may not always result in the best candidate for the job.

Employee Referrals

Employee referrals involve asking current employees to recommend potential candidates for job vacancies. This can be a cost-effective recruitment technique, as it can save on advertising and recruitment agency fees.

Employee referrals can also result in high-quality candidates, as current employees are likely to recommend candidates that they believe will fit well with the company culture and job requirements. However, like internal recruitment, it can also limit the pool of potential candidates.


Recruitment is a critical process for every organization, and the techniques used can greatly influence the quality of candidates and the success of the hiring process. In the highly competitive tech market of the United States, effective recruitment techniques are more important than ever.

By understanding the various recruitment techniques available, and their advantages and disadvantages, organizations can better strategize their recruitment processes and attract the best talent in the field.