Recruitment Glossary

Job Application

The process of job application and recruitment is a critical aspect of any organization's growth and development. It is through this process that companies are able to acquire the human resources necessary to drive their operations and achieve their objectives. This glossary article provides an in-depth explanation of the various terms and concepts associated with job application and recruitment, with a special focus on the USA tech market.

Recruitment is a multi-faceted process that involves a variety of steps, from job posting and candidate sourcing to interviewing, selection, and onboarding. Each of these steps is integral to ensuring that the right candidates are selected for the right roles, and that they are adequately prepared to contribute to the organization's success. This article will delve into each of these steps in detail, providing a comprehensive understanding of the recruitment process.

Job Posting

The first step in the recruitment process is the job posting. This is where the company announces the availability of a job position and invites potential candidates to apply. The job posting typically includes a detailed description of the role, the skills and qualifications required, and the benefits offered by the company. It serves as the first point of contact between the company and potential candidates, and plays a crucial role in attracting the right talent.

In the USA tech market, job postings are usually made on online job boards, company websites, and social media platforms. They are designed to be attractive and informative, providing potential candidates with a clear understanding of what the role entails and what the company is looking for. This is particularly important in the tech industry, where the demand for skilled professionals is high and the competition for talent is fierce.

Job Description

The job description is a critical component of the job posting. It provides a detailed overview of the role, outlining the responsibilities and tasks that the job entails. The job description is designed to give potential candidates a clear understanding of what the job involves and what is expected of them. It is typically written in a clear and concise manner, using language that is easily understood by the target audience.

In the tech industry, job descriptions often include specific technical skills and qualifications, such as proficiency in a particular programming language or familiarity with certain software or hardware systems. They may also include soft skills, such as problem-solving abilities or communication skills, which are increasingly valued in the tech industry. The job description serves as a guide for potential candidates, helping them to assess whether they are a good fit for the role and whether the role aligns with their career goals.

Job Requirements

The job requirements section of the job posting outlines the skills, qualifications, and experience that the company is looking for in a candidate. This can include educational qualifications, years of experience in a particular field, technical skills, and soft skills. The job requirements serve as a benchmark for assessing the suitability of candidates and play a crucial role in the screening and selection process.

In the tech industry, job requirements can be quite specific and demanding, reflecting the complex and specialized nature of the work. For instance, a job posting for a software engineer might require a degree in computer science, several years of experience in software development, and proficiency in specific programming languages. It is important for candidates to carefully review the job requirements before applying, to ensure that they meet the criteria and are well-suited for the role.

Candidate Sourcing

Candidate sourcing is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates for a job position. This can be done through a variety of methods, including online job boards, social media, networking events, and recruitment agencies. The goal of candidate sourcing is to build a pool of qualified candidates who can be considered for the role.

In the USA tech market, candidate sourcing is a critical aspect of the recruitment process. With the high demand for tech professionals and the shortage of skilled talent, companies often have to employ aggressive sourcing strategies to attract the right candidates. This can involve reaching out to passive candidates (those who are not actively looking for a job but might be interested in the right opportunity), leveraging employee referrals, and using advanced recruitment technologies to find and attract talent.

Active Sourcing

Active sourcing refers to the proactive search for potential candidates, rather than waiting for candidates to apply for a job. This can involve reaching out to potential candidates directly, using online platforms like LinkedIn to identify and connect with professionals in the field, or attending networking events and job fairs to meet potential candidates in person.

In the tech industry, active sourcing is often necessary due to the high demand for skilled professionals and the competitive nature of the job market. Companies often have to go the extra mile to find and attract the right talent, and active sourcing allows them to do this. It enables companies to tap into a wider pool of candidates, including those who might not be actively looking for a job but could be interested in the right opportunity.

Passive Sourcing

Passive sourcing, on the other hand, involves attracting candidates who are not actively looking for a job. This can be done through employer branding efforts, such as creating an attractive company culture and offering competitive benefits, or through targeted marketing campaigns designed to reach potential candidates where they are.

In the tech industry, passive sourcing can be a valuable strategy for attracting top talent. Many tech professionals are not actively looking for a job, but might be open to a new opportunity if it aligns with their career goals and interests. By reaching out to these passive candidates, companies can tap into a pool of talent that might otherwise be overlooked.

Screening and Selection

Once a pool of candidates has been sourced, the next step in the recruitment process is screening and selection. This involves reviewing the applications received, conducting interviews, and assessing the suitability of candidates for the role. The goal of this process is to identify the most qualified and suitable candidate for the job.

In the tech industry, the screening and selection process can be quite rigorous, reflecting the high stakes of hiring in this field. Companies often use a combination of methods to assess candidates, including technical tests, behavioral interviews, and assessment centers. The process is designed to evaluate not only a candidate's technical skills and qualifications, but also their cultural fit with the company and their potential for growth and development.

Resume Screening

Resume screening is the first step in the screening and selection process. It involves reviewing the resumes of applicants to assess their qualifications and experience. The goal of resume screening is to identify candidates who meet the job requirements and have the potential to succeed in the role.

In the tech industry, resume screening can be a challenging task, given the large number of applications typically received for each job posting and the specialized nature of the skills and qualifications required. Companies often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to automate the screening process, using algorithms to match resumes with job requirements and rank candidates based on their suitability for the role.


Interviewing is a critical part of the screening and selection process. It provides an opportunity for the company to get to know the candidate and assess their suitability for the role. Interviews can take various forms, including phone interviews, video interviews, and in-person interviews, and can involve a variety of questions designed to assess the candidate's skills, experience, and fit with the company culture.

In the tech industry, interviews often include technical questions designed to assess a candidate's technical skills and knowledge. These can involve coding challenges, problem-solving exercises, or questions about specific technologies or methodologies. Interviews also typically include behavioral questions designed to assess a candidate's soft skills, such as their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork skills.

Job Offer and Onboarding

Once a candidate has been selected, the final steps in the recruitment process are the job offer and onboarding. The job offer is a formal proposal of employment, outlining the terms and conditions of the job, including the salary, benefits, and start date. The onboarding process involves integrating the new hire into the company and preparing them for their role.

In the tech industry, the job offer and onboarding process are critical to ensuring that the new hire is set up for success. The job offer needs to be competitive and attractive, reflecting the value that the company places on the role and the candidate. The onboarding process, meanwhile, needs to be comprehensive and supportive, helping the new hire to understand their role, the company culture, and the expectations placed on them.

Job Offer

The job offer is a critical part of the recruitment process. It is the final step in securing the candidate's commitment to the company and the role. The job offer typically includes details of the salary, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. It is important for the job offer to be competitive and attractive, reflecting the value that the company places on the role and the candidate.

In the tech industry, job offers often include competitive salaries and benefits, reflecting the high demand for tech professionals and the competitive nature of the job market. Companies often have to offer attractive packages to secure the commitment of top talent. This can include not only a competitive salary, but also benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and perks like flexible working hours or remote work options.


Onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire into the company and preparing them for their role. This can involve a variety of activities, including orientation sessions, training programs, and mentorship programs. The goal of onboarding is to help the new hire understand the company culture, the expectations placed on them, and the resources available to them.

In the tech industry, onboarding is particularly important due to the complex and specialized nature of the work. New hires often need to be brought up to speed on the company's technologies, methodologies, and processes. A comprehensive and supportive onboarding process can help to ensure that the new hire is able to contribute effectively and efficiently to the company's operations from the get-go.


The process of job application and recruitment is a critical aspect of any organization's operations, and particularly so in the tech industry. From job posting and candidate sourcing to screening, selection, and onboarding, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring that the right candidates are selected for the right roles, and that they are adequately prepared to contribute to the company's success.

With the high demand for tech professionals and the competitive nature of the job market, companies in the USA tech market often have to employ aggressive and innovative recruitment strategies to attract and retain top talent. Understanding the various steps and concepts associated with the recruitment process can help both companies and candidates navigate this complex landscape more effectively.